Department of Geological Sciences, University of Plymouth, UK (PLYM)

Role in the Network
  • Main speciality research areas: The team leader has trained many people in the field of archaeomagnetism, having undertaken research in this area since 1971. He has written standard textbooks on this topic, organised many international meetings and promoted and co-operated in may international projects, including the informal Network of European Archaeomagnetic laboratories.
  • Other factors: The team leader will act as Assistant Co-ordinator.
Research Linkage
  • Formal links exist with Madrid. Team links continue with Aarhus, Leoben, Sofia, Thessaloniki, Napoli, Liverpool and Bradford. Archaeomagnetic links also exist with Mexico, Egypt, Syria, Japan and other.
Senior Scientist
Prof. D.H. Tarling (e-mail:, Tel.: 0044 1752 233 102, Fax : 0044 1752 233 117)
Young researchers  
Dr. Ulf Winkler
The isotope 14C is important for absolute dating methods (radiocarbon method) and is produced in the atmosphere by cosmic radiation. The production rate of 14C is not constant and varies with time. The aim is to see how changes of the geomagnetic field intensity could have influenced the 14C concentration in the atmosphere. Past 14C concentrations are well known from tree rings, and the curve shows some significant peaks. The peaks could be explained by a reduced magnetic field strength which allows more cosmic radiation (originally protons) to enter the atmosphere. This theory will be tested by the help of new archaeomagnetic data.
Recent Publications
Tarling, D.H. and C.M. Batt, Archaeomagnetic Applications for the Rescue of Cultural Heritage, Contributions to Geophysics and Geodesy (Geophysical Institute Slovak Academy of Sciences), 134, 154, 2004.
First Annual Report

Rimi, A., Tarling, D.H. and S.O. el-Alami,  An Archaeomagnetic Study of Two Kilns at Al-Basra. In Anatomy of a Medieval Islamic Town: Al-Basra, Morocco. (Ed. N.L. Benco) BAR International Series 1234, 2004, 95-106, 2004.

Tarling, D.H., Evans, M.E., Kafafy, A.M. and A.L. Abdeldayem, Directional Archaeomagnetic Observations from Egypt. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 5, 3970, 2003.

Tarling, D.H., Kondopoulou, D., Soles, J.S. and V. Spatharas, Minoan Directional Archaeomagnetic Data from LMIB Sites at Mochlos and Kalinomouri, Crete, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 5, 3963, 2003.

Núñez, J.I., Osete, M.L., Ruiz-Martinez, V.C., Fabien, A. and D.H. Tarling, A First Secular Variation Curve for the Iberian Peninsula. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 5, 13381, 2003.

Núñez, J.I., Osete, M.L. and D. Tarling, Datación arqueomagnética del taller: El horno del sector D. El paleomagnetismo como técnica de datación arqueológica. In: Excavaciones arqueológicas en los alfares romanos de la Venta del Carmen (Los Barrios, Cádiz). Coeditado por Universidad Autónoma de Madrid y el Ayuntamiento de los Barrios (Cádiz). 307-328, 1998.

Tarling, D.H. and M. Kovacheva, Comparison of directional secular variation of the geomagnetic field between Britain and southeastern Europe, Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity, 47, 507-517, 1997.