Bayesian statistics
Statistical theory of Thomas Bayes. The probability of an event higher in hierarchy is calculated on the basis of the probability estimates derived from an event lower in hierarchy or from empirical data.

Blocking temperature
Associated with thermoremanent magnetisation. On cooling of a substance containing suitable magnetic minerals, the temperature at which thermoremanent magnetisation becomes  frozen in. This temperature will depend on the precise mineralogical composition of the substance as well as its crystalline organisation (e.g. large or small grains). When considering the heating of materials to remove their remanence, may be referred to as unblocking temperature. Blocking and unblocking temperature must not necessarily be  equal.

Before present. 14C dating before its correction in calendar years.

Denotes a time period in the development of the human society subsequent to the Stone-age. Period of advanced metalworking. Techniques of smelting copper from natural outcrops and alloys like bronze were developed. The starting date differs from culture to culture: in Britain the Bronze-age lasted from 2200 to 700 BC; in central Europe from 1800 to 700 BC; while in the Aegean it is associated with the Minoan period. The Bronze-age is followed by the Iron-age.

Byzantine period
Cultural period between 324 AD and 1453 AD denoting the supremacy of the Byzantine Empire in southeastern Europe, Syria, Egypt, Israel, and North Africa. Byzantium – the other name for the east-Roman empire – rose from the Roman empire and disappeared with the invasion of the ottoman Turks.